Shades Of Preparation
Piecing together a bikelife…
Twelve days remaining before our journey begins and it has been a long route getting to this moment. Past experience and knowledge helps one adapt, however, both are products of the past and can not function in the present as each moment is a new experience.
Trying to force past experience into the present moment always creates overthinking of things and making decisions more complicated than necessary. The clutter that I am hoping is going to enhance my journey is mostly becoming a burden. And the chains of being human instinctually enslave me to living by fears so I end up preparing for scenarios that may not happen.
I must say that very seldom do I bring items that never get used, either by myself or by fellow travelers in need. In spite of myself becoming overly prepared, it has eventually been beneficial. All the laborious confusion I put myself through during the months of planning and seeming procrastination at one point of our tour always seems to manifest a reason. It works for me so I no longer question it.